Using this site the conditions of use specified in this page are accepted fully.
The privacy is disciplined from Decree Legislative 30 june 2003 n. 196 - Code in matter of protection of the personal data.
Holder of the treatment of the data is Aniello Carotenuto of the Enoteca Carotenuto, Via Madonnelle 9/11 - 80056 Ercolano (NA) Italy.
In particular the personal data will be use you to the single ends of the execution of the order (D. Lgs 30/06/03, n. 196).
The consumer has the faculty to decide if to receive or less eventual informative communications (max 2 to the month) during the phase of recording to the situated one.
In any moment, in conformity too what prescribed by Decree Legislative 30 june 2003, n. 196, the consumer it has the right to:
- to know his/her own personal data in possession to the Enoteca Carotenuto and the formality of treatment of such data;
- to adjourn, to integrate, to modify or to correct the personal data; (iii)
- to ask for the cessation of any treatment of the personal data that violates the law;
- to prevent the treatment of the personal Data for justified motives or, however, when the treatment is turned to the collecting of commercial information, to the dispatch of advertising, to the direct sale or to the market research, contacting at the address:
Conditions of Use of the site and Copyright.
Using the unloaded rising from this site you can verify the potentialities of the produced software. The files cannot be diffused in any way through other sites out of this or through other media. The whole material present on this site is protected by the effective laws on the copyright; it is forbidden therefore to use the material for purposes that violate such right.
Therefore it is forbidden to reproduce also in partial way graphic and contents taken by this site.
All the personal data inserted in this site are preserved on protected electronic supports that are in the file servers of and they are used in the respect of the dispositions of the Law 675/96, according to principles of correctness, loyalty and transparency..
The services offered by the site of the Enoteca Carotenuto are realized and checked with the maximum possible accuracy; however it could not be possible to regard the Enoteca Carotenuto responsible of possible malfunctions and for the damages, direct and indirect, that can derive from them.
The only remedy furnished for facing the dysfunction in the operating of the site, or of the correlated services, it is to stop using the site and the relating services.
The Enoteca Carotenuto doesn't guarantee the functionalities of the site happen without interruption or they are free from errors, neither that the defects will be corrected.
The Enoteca Carotenuto desires to inform the consumers that all the materials, such as texts, images, graphics, video, audio, software and every other form of intellectual ownership present in the site are protected by copyrights.
The technology of the search engine Google automatically produces the results of the searches that give information distributed anywhere in the world and accessible by Internet. The Enoteca Carotenuto doesn't have the control on such information, it doesn't grant any guarantee on the same ones and particularly on their accuracy, contents and quality. Moreover it is not responsible if the results of a search bring to consultation of information which will be regarded not pleasant or congruent with the purpose of the search. Since some of the contents of Internet can be considered turned to an adult public or they may contain matters offensive for some people, the Enoteca Carotenuto warns that the searches automatically and in non deliberate way may produce links or references to such information and the firm doesn't take on any responsibility of this.